Tuesday, June 26, 2018

UW Union outing

So glad I found Tom last night, otherwise I would have left -- the crowds looked intimidating! :-) Got there after 7 pm and managed a very quick study standing next to Tom -- very sketchy!


  1. I love it, Darya and I am going to make it bigger so we can see it better. Really nice! Sorry I missed you but I couldn't make it. Hope to see you soon. Pat

  2. Quite nice Darya. Love those thick paint marks. Sort of reminds me of a Van Gogh painting. And that's not too bad.

  3. I love the energy it conveys!

  4. Thank you, Pat, Tom and Wendy. Hope to see you all again next time!

  5. Love the composition, color and the brush strokes. Very fresh looking.
