Sunday, March 25, 2018

Bucky On Parade

Hey all. I have pretty much finished up all the paintings from last year I want to save. Warm weather can't come soon enough. In January I submitted a few ideas to paint Bucky for the Bucky On Parade event uptown this summer. I was notified in February I got a sponsor and two weeks ago I got to pick up my Bucky statue . They tell me mine will be at Law Park for a few months. I pretty sure this preview is no spoiler. 85 were chosen I think and can't wait for the preview party to see them all together.This is all so cool. 2 years ago I was the only artist I knew.
The title is Strike Up The Band and it is going to be a one badger Shake The Lake celebration.


  1. The great thing about painting is that if you keep at it you eventually get to meet lots of other like minded people who need to paint, too. Thanks to Tom starting our group I have met so many great people and excellent painters. Taking classes is a good way to meet them, too. I met Tom and some of the other painters in our group at my first plein air class in 2006. I think it's really important to get to know other painters because otherwise it can be a very solitary activity. Which it needs to be to get the work done but painting in a group sometimes is a great way to learn and also a lot of fun. Great location for your version of Bucky. Can't wait to see him!!
